How to Back Up your Assignment Data from Genesis

As you likely already know, Genesis does not show you specific assignment info/grades from past years. If you want to save this information, follow these instructions!

  1. Open the "Gradebook" tab after logging into Genesis
  2. Within the Gradebook tab, open the "List Assignments" tab
  3. Set "Assignments" to "All assignments", "Course" to "Show all courses", and "Status" to "All Assignments"
  4. Click "Search"

You should now see all of your assignments from this school year at once. From here, you can do either of the following:

  • Click "Print Assignments" to generate a PDF containing all the assignments, and then save the PDF to your computer
  • Save the Genesis webpage itself as a file on your computer using Ctrl+S (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+S (MacOS)

Now you'll be able to review your assignment grades in future school years even though they may not appear in Genesis.