How to Get Involved with GradeScout

Every once in a while, someone asks us how to join GradeScout's team. At the bottom of the GradeScout website as well as in our Discord server, there are links to the application form(s), but these are often not noticed. In this article, we will explain how to join our team or get involved in a little more detail.

GradeScout Team

When people think of the GradeScout team, the developer team is often what comes to mind. However, GradeScout's team is actually composed of multiple subteams that work in conjunction to build and maintain our successful product and the community surrounding it.

  • Developer Team
  • Marketing Team
    • Content Team
    • Outreach Team
  • Community Management Team

If you are interested in applying, please see our application form. This form contains full descriptions of all the subteams and related expectations.

Please note that we consider applications on an as-needed basis, so you might not hear back from us for a long time. We tend to not send "rejection" notices and consider all received applications as part of the pool when we need new members. GradeScout team members are unpaid, but may be eligible for volunteer hours as we currently have 501c3 nonprofit status.

It is also worth noting that Developer applicants may be put into our trainee program if we see significant potential but feel they aren't ready quite yet. In other words, if you have a solid foundation and good experience in programming, we can help you learn enough to make the cut if you apply.

Ambassador Program

Although we are very selective regarding applications to our team, you can also get involved by becoming an ambassador, especially if you attend a school district where our user base still has a lot of room to grow.

  • Being an ambassador does not require any kind of experience.
  • Most of the time, we will just need you to be available on Discord when asked.
  • Typical ambassador tasks include testing new/experimental features, spreading the word about GradeScout, and reporting back to us about how GradeScout is performing when asked.

Ambassadors are an integral part of our promotion efforts. Furthermore, by becoming an ambassador and helping to increase the popularity of GradeScout in your community, you will raise the attention our developers give to issues specific to your district/school due to the greater amount of affected users.

If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, please apply here.